
DVD review: Bridget Jones’s Baby

Bridget Jones is back for a third installment and, while still single, her dating life is no longer the central story line – well, not directly.

DVD: Bridget Jones’s Baby

Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh

Review made possible by: Times Media Films

Mark is married and Daniel is presumed dead, making way for a new leading man in Bridget’s life.

At 43, Bridget is now a serious television producer focusing on her career and living in a world where all her “old” friends are married and saddled with children.

This means no one is available to celebrate her birthday, so it’s her younger 30-something friend Miranda who steps into the breach.

The two set out for a weekend of yerting (that’s fancy camping to us) at a music festival where she meets Jack Qwant, who will become a central figure in her life.

When Bridget bumps into and “has relations” with Mark a few days later, the stage is set for a pregnancy during which two fathers compete for the title of baby-daddy.

Although the baby theme is quite a split from Bridget’s lighter dating conundrums, Renée Zellweger embraces this new side of Bridget with vigour, making it yet another comedic romp which, in true Bridget style, has its fair share of mishaps.

Emma Thompson, who joins the cast as Bridget’s doctor, makes an excellent addition, bringing her dry humour to make a good comedy great as only Thompson can.

The only fly in the ointment is the absence of Daniel (who is alive in the book of the same name) and Mark’s rivalry for Bridget’s affections.

Mark and Jack simply don’t have the same rivalry, leaving their storyline a little bland.

If you’re a die-hard Bridget Jones fan, you’ll definitely want to add her latest adventure to your DVD collection.

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