
Treasure Hunters: Peril at the Top of the World

Followers of the Kidd families’ adventures will have a feel for the book already as this is the fourth and most recent book in the Middle School series.

Book: Treasure Hunters: Peril at the Top of the World

Author: James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein

Reviewed by: Chantelle Geyer

Review made possible by: Penguin Random House South Africa

This time around their exploits happen amidst the dramatic backdrop of the Kremlin in Moscow but it is far from the relaxing holiday the family had planned originally as they almost wind up in a Russian jail.

While attempting to recover stolen one-of-a-kind paintings by the world-famous Leonardo da Vinci, they end up being accused of the crime themselves. In this exciting story, the family’s mission takes them across the Arctic tundra while chasing the real bad guys.

Danger is right around every corner but it is what the Kidd family live for.

Besides, it is what they’re good at.

With authentic characters names like Minister Szymonowicz and Doctor Dimitry Zagorean, the author serves its purpose by transporting the reader deep into the various scenes of the story, while instilling good family values and depicting the importance of common sense.

The book does well by reaching its target audience of nine-year-old readers and up as it feeds their imagination from a multitude of angles.

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