
Snippets of life

Well worth the read for those who are devout fans as well as those dipping their toes into her Irish humour for the first time.

Book: Making it up as I go along

Author: Marian Keyes

Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh

Review made possible by: Penguin Random House South Africa

“Fabulous shoes, my badly made stews, an Antarctic cruise and ten pounds to lose.

“Having to schmooze when I’d far rather snooze.

“Skin care and bad hair and what should I wear?

“All kinds of views, which I hope will amuse . . .”

This is Marian Keyes’ world of “Making It Up as I Go Along – aka the World According to Marian Keyes.”

This anthology of essays is the perfect read for those who love Marian but sometimes only have bite-size chunks of time to enjoy her writing.

You can dip into the book – reading the essays in any order you like, if you like – for her views on almost every topic the ordinary modern woman might find herself contending with.

Marian gives her advice and recounts her personal experiences on everything from breaking up with your hairdresser to her traumatic fling with fake tan, the pure and bounteous joy of her nail varnish museum – which she hides in a handbag – and the months she spent as a fake eyelash groupie.

As usual, her witty writing is absorbing and funny and will have you wincing in recognition with some of the scenarios she finds herself in.

Other essays will find you chortling along with those situation you may not be able to relate to personally but can still picture due to the elegance with which she paints a mental picture.

Some of the essays have been published before, others not, but all of them are worth a read as she describes everyday, mundane situations with her particular brand of humour which make you laugh along with her and at yourself.

Well worth the read for those who are devout fans as well as those dipping their toes into her Irish humour for the first time.

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