
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2

Realising the stakes are no longer just for survival, Katniss and her band of rebels set out on their ultimate mission.

DVD: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2.

Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh

Review made possible by: Times Media Home Entertainment

In the final installment of the Hunger Game series, it’s all out war as Katniss Everdeen and friends, including Peeta Mellark, Gale Hawthorne and Finnick Odair, set out for the Capitol to kill President Snow.

Following on from Mockingjay – Part One, Katniss is recovering after being attacked by Peeta, who has been brainwashed by the Capitol.

Peeta is also still in recovery and of the belief that everything bad that has happened since the Quarter Quell is Katniss’ fault.

Realising the stakes are no longer just for survival, Katniss and her band of rebels set out on their ultimate mission.

Together, they leave District 13 to liberate the citizens of war-torn Panem and assassinate President Snow, who’s obsessed with destroying Katniss.

What lies ahead are mortal traps, dangerous enemies and moral choices that will ultimately determine the future of millions.

In a bid to reach the Capitol, Katniss and her group face a number of life-threatening challenges, each of which sees more of the group dying until the final stand must be made by Katniss and Gale at the gates of Snow’s mansion.

As rebel forces gain ground, Snow invites fleeing Capitol citizens into his mansion for protection.

Katniss and Gale join the crowd, posing as refugees to gain access to Snow.

However, as refugees move towards Snow’s mansion, most of them, including children are killed when a hovercraft flies overhead, and drops small parcels by parachute.

These, and a second batch of parachutes dropped from overhead, explode into the crowd killing them and knocking Katniss out.

It is when she awakens that she discovers the truth.

Having confronted Snow about the bombs, he explains that Alma Coin orchestrated the bombing and theorises that she will seize power and name herself president without the people being given the opportunity to vote – starting another dictatorship.

Having secured the right to execute Snow herself, Katniss takes her position to end his life but instead shoots and kills Coin.

Katniss is pardoned and goes on to find her happily ever after.

While this is the least action-packed and fast-paced of the four films, it is necessary viewing for all Hunger Games fans as it rounds out the story which now reaches it’s conclusion and “happy ending”.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, as I have with the previous three, but Katniss seems to have grown weaker in her character than she was in the first three.

Gone is the determined fighter we met in the first installment, only to be replaced by a shadow of herself, one who has come to accept her fate and soldiers on out of a sense of duty and vengeance rather than then determination to set the world order right which we saw previously.

If you haven’t seen the first three you’ll be completely lost.

However, fans will love this conclusion to the saga and should definitely procure themselves a copy.


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