
It is a (madhouse) Malhuis

If you prefer challenging, erotic psychological thrillers, then this book is a must-read.

Book: Malhuis

Reviewed by: Anna Robertson

Review made possible by: Penguin Random House South Africa

Helena Harmse, a psychologist from South Africa, works in London at an institution for handicapped people.

This is only her day job, as at night she visits pubs and hunts Englishmen for sex, preferably the married ones.

In each chapter, the author, Anel Heydenrych, takes you on a journey to Helena’s past and present.

Her sexual activities are possibly due to a dark secret she carries within her.

As Helena’s story unfolds and her desperate emails to her two children in South Africa become more violent, it unravels a tangle of abuse, love and revenge.

Perhaps Helen’s stalker, a mysterious woman always dressed in black, is the key to her troubled past.

You can read the full story on our App. Download it here.

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