For the young at heart

Gwen, Bob and Tony are three friends who go on a stomping and roaring epic adventure to discover everything possible.

DVD: Dinopaws

Review by: Anna Robertson

Review made possible by: Times Media Home Entertainment

This 110 minute DVD has several adventures and sing-along tunes which will keep children focused as the three friends embark on their journey.

Jaydon Robertson (2) was quite impressed with bossy Gwen, who constantly says: “I know, I know”, which he then repeated for the rest of the day.

Being an explorer himself, Jaydon was quite intrigued by Tony’s antics.

Tony is a small T-Rex and also the youngest of the three friends.

He is a real busy body who can’t stay still or be quiet, not to mention doing the same thing for more than a couple of minutes.

Bob, the big blue dinosaur, is an undependable, very best kind of friend.

Thinking big thoughts he loves to invent new words.

The DVD is definitely for the very young at heart.
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