Drama fans will like this

Strange horror movie that surprises in the end.

DVD: It Never Sleeps

Reviewed by: Izahn van Huyssteen

Review made possible by: Times Media Home Entertainment

This is apparently supposed to be a horror movie and looks promising when scanning the cover.

But when watching the movie, apart from building up suspense to the point where you think something’s going to happen, it’s sorely lacking a horror movie vibe.

This British “horror” centres on a female war veteran who is haunted by dreams of losing a friend in battle.

She visits a psychologist on a regular basis, telling him about her recurring dreams and how they are making their way into her reality.

It quickly escalates away from the war side and she is terrified to be alone due to her… visions.

Of course, like in most movies, a handsome bloke shows up and romance ensues and the horror effect completely disappears.

The end was surprisingly unexpected and I think that was the best part for me.

I’d say this movie will be more suited to drama fans than horror fans.

Difficult to get into the movie, but worth it in the end.

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