A graphic story, expertly told

Book: The Poacher’s Moon Author: Richard Peirce Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh Review made possible by: Random House Struik

To say that this book is excellent sounds a little odd since the content is, in fact, shocking and disturbing to say the least.

Never the less, it is indeed an excellent read.

The Poacher’s Moon tells the harrowing tale of three private game reserves – Fairy Glen Private Game Reserve, Inverdoorn Game Reserve and Aquila Private Game Reserve – in the Western Cape under attack by Rhino poachers in 2011.

It tells how the poachers prepared the scene, launched their attack and escaped into the night.

But far more disturbing are the details of the aftermath – the victims’ fight to survive after being attacked and what their carers went through to help them pull through.

In particular it details the fight of Fairy Glen Private Game Reserve’s Higgins and Lady – both of whom had their horns hacked off and were left to die with horrendous gaping wounds.

These included their sinuses being cut when the poachers hacked off their horns.

The book details their courageous struggle which was only possible with the constant dedication of their owners and reserve personnel, help from their neighbours and constant attention from the South African Veterinary Association who spent countless hours on numerous surgeries to see them brought back to health.

Peirce tells the harrowing story in frank detail, bringing the reader into the bush and the situation in which the people and animals found themselves while the poachers staged quick attacks, and having secured their prizes, left the animals to die and their carers to either mourn their deaths or fight to save their lives.

If you can stomach the atrocious acts against these majestic animals, this is an amazing read that brings the threat to rhinos into sharp focus and hammers home the dire situation Africa’s rhinos find themselves in.

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