Talented trio of women for Nataniël

Catch Nataniël in his new show - Rainbow at Midnight - which opens at Emperors Palace tonight.

Acclaimed singer, songwriter, producer, director, designer and playwright, Nataniël, returns to the stage at Emperors Palace this month with, what he describes as, “technically the most advanced project of my career” – Rainbow at Midnight.

He will be joined in this grand production by a troupe of talented performers who, he says, are the best artists he knows.

They complete his vision for this new creation, which tells the tale, in true Nataniël-style, of what happened one night in 1880 when a group of visitors to the rainbow travelling fair had a supernatural experience that would change their lives and that of their children, for ever.

It is fitting, as the show opens in the month that celebrates women, that three amazing female performers, Corlea, Lindiwe Bungane and Tonia Selley will be alongside Nataniël on opening night in the new and improved Theatre of Marcellus tonight (Thursday) and for the duration of the show which runs until September 28.

Speaking with admiration of the trio, he says they all have amazing voices and likens Corlea’s voice to a volcano erupting.

“When she sings she can wake sleeping dogs and our love for high heels and sequins makes us a perfect match,” says Nataniël.

She, in turn, touches on the supernatural angle of the show during an interview saying she has been asked if any weird stuff has happened to her and her answer is yes, she met Nataniël.

“He is a freak of nature and I’m lucky to know him. His ideas are amazing, his style is sweet and sour and his shows are full of life lessons.”

Nataniël is equally effusive about Bungane, who he met when she won the reality show, “Project Fame”, outperforming 10 million artists from around Africa in 2004.

“I love a big voice and Lindiwe has this powerhouse voice. With her it’s go big or go home,” he says about the Sandton singer who will be doing her third show at Emperors Palace with him.

Speaking about working with Nataniël, before the start of rehearsals, Bungane commented, “It’s always been great to work with him and I’m always excited to find out what a whacky and clever world he comes up with.

“I think this year’s production will require us to act and create different characters so that we transport the audience into this magical world Nataniël has created.”

While Corlea and Bungane will take centre stage with the celebrated entertainer, it is Selley he has the longest history with, having done their first show together in 2003.

The talented Cape Town-based percussionist and vocalist has not only appeared on stage with him in numerous shows at Emperors Palace but also at the Royal Albert Hall, which shows how highly he thinks of her, and she is one of his best friends.

“During my shows at Emperors Palace Tonia stays with me and we have spent many a night, after previous shows, drinking wine and talking until the early hours of the morning.

“It’s like bootcamp and this year we’ll be doing yoga and probably playing scrabble,” he says noting that both entertainers have given up drinking.

On the subject of staying with Nataniël, “It is a wonderful experience. Aside from the wonderful kuier evenings, his house is a haven of peace and productivity.

“I have never seen anyone who works so hard and yet still manages to make everyone around him laugh so much.

“He is funny and fabulous from the moment he wakes up. And incredibly generous,” comments Selley.

And when quizzed, before rehearsals started, about what their thoughts on Rainbow at Midnight were, all three women had much the same to say, that unfortunately they hadn’t seen or heard anything except the songs and they were very excited to again be working with Nataniël.

“You only really get a sense of the show at the dress rehearsal.

“It’s the combination of the stories and the lights and the costumes that Nataniël has already seen in detail in his imagination but until that moment it remains a mystery to the rest of us. It’s always an incredible experience,” explained Selley.

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