Autumn in Paris

As someone who usually loves winter, I am not enjoying this one.

It needs to end. Now!

It’s not the cold mornings and evenings or the need for three extra layers of clothes that is getting me down.

If fact, I quite like these elements.

It’s so much easier to throw on a jersey or cuddle up under a blanket than to escape the oppressive heat of summer, so usually I love this time of the year.

This year however, the winter months seem to be taunting me with their slow progress.

You see the start of Spring on September 1 brings with it the trip to Paris we have been planning since mid-December.

While you are all enjoying the first rays of Spring and throwing off the oppressive covers of winter, I will be packing for a couple of blissful weeks in Paris.

So this winter, just this winter, I’m wishing the cold weather would come to an end so I can pack my case and board that plane.

For the rest of you, I’m sure many of you will just be glad to pack the hefty coat away.

Whatever your reason for looking forward to September, let’s just hope it arrives quickly.

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