The EMPD voices sing coral music

A Home in KwaThema benefits from the choir's fundraising

EMPD choir is proving to be one of the power-houses in choral music.

The choir was established in 2007 with 10 members, courtesy of the now retired chief superintendent Lehihi. Through the years EMPD choir has developed into a formidable group that is now counted among choirs of long-standing such as JMPD and Soweto Choral Choir.

The choir has grown to 50 members.

The purpose of the choir is to play a role during community safety memorial and funeral services and to close the gap between the law enforcement fraternity and the communities they serve.

They aim to educate the community about the police environment and to engage in community activities and programmes.

Another purpose is to promote Batho Pele principles and to ensure the well-being of employees through music.

Tholakele Orphanage Home in KwaThema is but one of the homes that benefits from the choir’s fundraising.

The choir assists various other orphanages and homes by organising concerts and holding annual choral festivals with the aim of raising funds to support these homes.

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