
On the big screen: Serial Teacher

Starring: Arnaud Ducret, Christian Clavier, Francois Morel, Fred Tousch, Isabelle Nanty, Kev Adams, Pierre-Francois Martin-Laval, Raymond Bouchard and Stefi Celma. Directed by: Pierre Francois Martin-Laval

This French-language comedy centres on the lowest-ranking French high school in terms of grades and how a bunch of misfit teachers are let loose upon the student body in an effort to turn things round.

The Jules Ferry Secondary School is seemingly beyond hope.

The principal has tried throwing the best teachers he can find at the problem, but the students never seem to get to grips with the matter of actually learning anything.

Finally the school administrator lays down the law: increase the grades of the student body by 50% in the next term or the doors will close for good.

Desperate and willing to resort to any method to turn things around, the principal does the unthinkable: he hands the teaching reins over to a group of reprobates and crazies to try to get through to the kids.

All he can hope for now is that their normally disastrous teaching methods can succeed in obtaining some surprising results.

This movies opens at cinemas on Friday.

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