
It deosn’t do the mob justice

DVD: Gangster Squad Reviewed by: Natasha Kotze Review made possible by: NuMetro Rating: Disappointing

Despite actors like Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone – whose previous work I’ve always enjoyed – Gangster Squad failed to keep me entertained.

I mostly watch movies for the entertainment value – the escapism they offer from the real world.

This film, although it looked good, wasn’t good.

It takes place in Los Angeles in 1949 when a special police unit go after the kingpin Mickey Cohen (Penn).

It sounds a bit like LA Confidential, but lacks that special something that made LA Confidential not only a great film, but an entertaining, artistic masterpiece as well.

It felt as if they couldn’t decide whether they wanted to make a serious gangster film or a comedy – and that is where the film fell flat for me.

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