Bakerton Stadium renovations nears completion

A brand new grandstand has been built and the locker rooms have been rebuilt.

Renovations at the Bakerton Stadium are nearing completion.
Years of neglect and vandalism left the stadium desolate and abandoned.
The grandstands, locker rooms and field were unusable.
Bakerton is a thriving sporting community eager to get back on the field to play their favourite sports.
For many years petitions were sent to the City of Ekurhuleni requesting some dignity is restored to the stadium.

Also read: PAM Brink Stadium continues to stand derelict

The community’s wishes were answered last year when a contractor was hired to renovate the stadium.
A brand new grandstand has been built and the locker rooms have been rebuilt.
Ward councillor Ramesh Sheodin is pleased with the progress.
“I have fought to get the budget for many years to permanently upgrade the Bakerton Stadium.
“I am pleased to see that substantial progress has been made in the upgrading.
“I am looking forward to the reopening,” said Sheodin.
Community liaison officer Naresh Dayabhai indicated that the stadium should be complete in two months time.

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