Karate competitions on hold

The Pan African Shotokan Karate Federation dojo in Selcourt is one such club who have had to adapt to lockdown regulations.

Dojos across the country are going through a tough time as karateka stay away.
With karate being a contact sport, the dojos are severely limited as to what they can do.
The Pan African Shotokan Karate Federation dojo in Selcourt is one such club that has had to adapt to lockdown regulations.
The dojo, which only opened in September last year, has implemented strict hygiene protocols and train wearing masks.

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Shihan Michael Cindi said: “Our numbers have decreased during lockdown, but we still have classes.
“The only difference now is that there are no competitions and there is no fighting.
“We do kata, which is a system of individual training exercises in karate and other martial arts.
“Last year, we improvised and had an inter-club kata competition.”
Cindi said they are not sure, at this point, when full competitions will resume.
He explained times have been tough for dojos as they have received no government help or Covid-19 relief funds to help them get through this difficult time.
“We still have our regular expenses which have to be met every month,” said Cindi.
In the meantime, the local dojo has included more activities to help bring more people to the club.
One of these is self-defence classes for women.

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In the classes, women learn a variety of moves to protect them from a potential attack.
They will also be introducing Tae Bo classes to the dojo.
Classes take place on Wednesday and people of all levels of fitness are invited to attend.
“To be safe, those who are coming to class must call ahead so we can reserve a spot for them and help us keep to social distancing guidelines,” said Cindi.
Contact Cindi on 073 212 9444.

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