Springs Comrades runner knows what it takes

Marathon veteran Ferdi van Tonder knows what it takes to get to the finishing line.

Comrades and regular ultra-marathon runner Ferdi van Tonder has taken his body and mind to the extreme to achieve success.
Van Tonder is also a member of the Striders Athletics Club and sees running as part of his lifestyle.
For how long have you been running marathons?
I’ve been running since I was in school and always loved it.
But in the last four years I’ve taken it seriously and competed in the Two Oceans, Comrades, Om Die Dam and many others.
What do you enjoy most about running?
I enjoy the way it can take stress out of your life.
It’s the ultimate way to relax for me, it gives you time to clear your head, but also allows you to think about your life in a more meaningful and controlled way.
What is your training process for an upcoming marathon?
I will train around four to five times week.
The type of training varies from marathon to marathon though.
For a long distance or ultra-marathon, I will do distance and power exercises, and for the shorter marathons I will focus on speed training.
Time is also very important and something you have to keep in mind, especially for the ultra-marathons where you train for an entire year beforehand.

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How important is it to be psychologically prepared for marathons?
Being psychologically prepared is just as important as being physically prepared.
There is a time in every race when it feels like your body is shutting down and you just want to give up and stop and go home.
Even the most experienced athletes go through this, and everyone should expect it to happen at some time in a race.
I remember with my first Comrades marathon I was ready to give up at many points in the race but somehow kept on going.
But it always helps to think about how far you have come to get to this point, and the people who are counting on you.
Who supports you when you run?
My whole family is always behind me, my wife and children. My parents have also always been on my side, and that’s always good to know because it gives you a massive boost during the race and helps you get through the toughest stages of the race.

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What has been the greatest accomplishment in your career so far?
My first Comrades marathon in 2017 is my proudest achievement. It took me many years to get there and pulling it off felt very good.
Do you have any advice for people who want to start running marathons?
I would tell them to get training but take it slow at first.
Many people over-exert themselves the first time they train and feel horrible the next day, and then decide that it’s not for them.
What interests do you have outside of running?
I enjoy angling and golfing when I have time off.

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