Golf Club hosts first Gingers Golf Day since lockdown regulations lifted

Players take part in the first Gingers Golf Day at Pollak Park since lockdown regulations lifted

The Pollak Park Golf Club was a hive of activity over the weekend with golfers relishing being back on the course.
In addition to the monthly Gingers Golf Day competition on Saturday, the players enjoyed being together again.
“It was such a pleasant change to be able to play our golf and then join everyone afterwards for prize-giving in the club house, the first time since the lockdown in March.

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“Despite having a really cold wind and chilly weather the scores were good, as much as 12 people achieved 36 points, and everyone enjoyed the golf tremendously.
“It has been a long testing isolation for golfers, which didn’t make sense to us who play the non-contact sport, but we obviously complied and waited patiently for the powers that be to see the light and allow golf courses to reopen for play,” said Bruce Gardner, who was also enjoying being on the course over the weekend.

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The results of the Ginger Golf Day were:
• Winner: Harvey Scott with 39 points.
• Second place: Allen Morgan with 37 points.
• Third place: Ross MacAlister with 37 points.
• Longest drive and closest to the pin: Basil Houndalas.
“A big thank you to Rob Von Velzen and Pollak Park for a very pleasant morning’s golf.
“For golfers keen to join in on the monthly Gingers Golf Day, contact Mike Wise through Pollak Park,” said Gardner.
The number is 076 676 6311.

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