Striders Athletic Club member ends the Two Oceans Marathon on a high note

Tough race, but Wallace makes it to the end.

Carol Wallace (57), has finished her tenth Two Oceans Marathon.

Although she has years of experience with the marathon, Wallace says it never gets easier.

Wallace started running in her 40s and has not looked back.

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“I started with a 5km fun run and I enjoyed it so much.

“I even got a medal.

“Eighteen months later I competed in my first Two Oceans Marathons,” said Wallace.

Wallace has tried other sports but running is what suits her best as it is a social sport and she gets to interact with people from different walks of life.

Running has become more than a sport to Wallace. It has become a lifestyle and Wallace is happy to reap the benefits of that.

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She has competed in the Two Oceans Marathon as well as the Comrades Marathon and says you cannot compare the two.

“The Comrades is like the King. It’s on another level and it takes five months of preparation and it consumes your life.

“The Two Oceans is like the Queen, and it’s my favourite because it is not as intense,” said Wallace.

After the Two Oceans, Wallace’s recovery routine involves a sports massage, painkillers sometimes and sitting in a swimming pool.

The recovery takes about three days before Wallace can start training for the next marathon.

Although this was her last Two Oceans, Wallace is not done with running.

Wallace plans to do the Great Wall of China Marathon in May next year.

She has already participated in the London, Sydney, Dublin and Adelaide Marathons.

For now, Wallace is happy with her performance in the Two Oceans Marathon.

“It is always a tough race but I’m happy to be bringing home the medal.

“I’ve been nursing an injury for a couple of months so I’m happy with a finish,” said Wallace.

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