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Fernando boasts two gold medals

Local junior wrestler added two more gold medals to his trophy cabinet.

Fernando Booysen (15) recently competed at the South African Cadet Wrestling Championships and won both his categories.

“This was my son’s 19th SA title,” says his father Dirk Booysen.

Fernando won the u-42kg Greek Roman as well as the cadet freestyle u-42kg championships held at Noord Gauteng Stoeisaal in Pretoria.

On the first day of the championships he had to fight three opponents and was announced the winner.

He also had to beat three opponents at the next day’s freestyle championships.

Being able to add two more medals to his list of wins is something to be proud of, but for this Hoërskool Hugenote learner it’s just another step closer to taking his wrestling career to the next level.

Fernando is currently taking part in a practice camp at the Cadet World Wrestling Championships in Athens, Greece.

Dirk says his son is the youngest of five wrestlers who will represent South Africa at the camp.

About 40 countries will be represented at the two-week camp.

Fernando will return to South Africa on September 6.

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