Tommy ready for Dusi

Springs resident Tommy Booth, a keen adventurer and endurance athlete, has been hard at work training for the upcoming FNB Dusi Canoe Marathon, which will take place between February 16 and 18.

The three-day race of 125km starts in Pietermaritzburg and ends in Durban, with a number of portages (running with the boat).

Read: Tommy well prepared for FNB Dusi

Tommy recently participated in the JCC Two Day Klip River Race from Walkerville to the Vaal River.

“This was a 70km race and the river was in full spate after recent rainfall in Gauteng,” says Jennie Dallas from the Gauteng Canoe Union.

She claims the wild white water was very tricky, with technical narrow winding sections between and around trees and required much hopping in and out of the river to avoid obstacles.

Despite numerous paddlers withdrawing from the difficult, technical and very fast-flowing race, Tommy managed to finish the race as the second sub veteran and the seventh in the K1 (single kayak) in 05:4 over two days.

The 2015 single Dusi (K1) saw Tommy in 105th place, but he plans on breaking the 100 mark in this year’s race.

“I am well prepared, physically and mentally,” he says.

He is proud of his six-month-old daughter Corinne and says she has definitely played a role in his motivation and preparation for the race.

Read: Tommy and Meryl take first spot at Hansa Fish River Marathon

“Corinne and my wife Izaan Booth will be there to support me at this strenuous world-famous challenging canoe endurance event,” says Tommy.


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