Bringing back bowls

The Springs Town Bowls club held an event to promote the sport and the club on Friday October 14.

Coach Tony Tancrel organised the event which drew 71 people, of whom around 20 were non-bowlers; making the event a success.

Read: Springs bowls women practise

“The goal is to get the local community involved and excited about bowls,” Tancrel said.

The event kicked off with a game of social bowls at 4.30pm, followed by music, dinner and drinks.

“People think of bowls as old man’s marbles, but everyone at the event really enjoyed it,” said Tancrel.

Although it was the club’s first promotional event, they hope to to do something similar in the future on a bi-monthly basis.

Club chairman Izak Hattingh said they’re already planning a ‘bowls golf day’ and said he’s working on designing a ‘bowls pool table’.

“Similar to cricket, it’s important to change the format of bowls every now and again to keep the game interesting,” Hattingh explained.

Read: Bowls weekend blitz

They’re also planning on getting an additional dart board, plus other games such as dominoes and bingo. The club raised R1800, which will be used for future promotional events.

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