Striders contribute 67 minutes for Mandela

Springs Striders hosted its third 67 Minutes Nelson Mandela Charity run/walk at the Springs Rugby Club on Sunday.

No entrance fee was charge, but the athletes were asked to donate a T-shirt instead.

The 120 athletes included Striders athletes, athletes from neighbouring towns and members of the Springs Rotary Club.

Club secretary Rhoda Steyn says the athletes and guests had to run or walk a distance of 1.6km in 67 minutes.

“It was wonderful to see the cold weather didn’t deter the 120 people who joined us for this worthy cause,” she says.

Most of the athletes ran or walked more than one lap to make up the 67 minutes.

She says 300 T-shirts were collected with about 30 jackets and tops which they handed over to Rotary Club president Siobheanne Landsberg.

All proceeds from the above sales will be donated to Norah Educare Centre in Putfontein.

The R5 000 raised from the boerewors rolls, cold drinks and refuse bags sold at the event will also be contributed to the centre.

The runners and walkers from the Rotary club also had a good few rounds of 1.6km.

Siobheanne says the T-shirts will be distributed to Esda Retirement Village, Vita Nova and Epilepsy South Africa.

The jackets, tops and groceries received will be used at Rotaries Men on the Side of the Road project on Saturday,

“The Striders team are an amazing example of community spirit and their compassion for others is immeasurable,” says Siobheanne.

She adds the people at Esda and the homeless people are very grateful for the donations that come their way.

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