Watch: Three fights, three wins

Bert Collins Boxing Club hosted a development boxing tournament at the club, where 18 boxers represented 10 clubs on Saturday. Three young boxers from the hosting clubs won their respective fights.

First in the ring was Clayton Meyer, who took on his Elsburg opponent in three three-minute rounds.

Clayton won the fight on points, giving the red corner its first victory.

Jaco Combrink was the second Bert Collins boxer to leave the ring with a victory.

He also won his fight on points.

It was Jaco’s fifth tournament and second win.

The seven judges rotated the three judging corners after every second fight.

In the fight between Koos Nienaber and Falakhe Vilakazi from the JD Boxing Club, Koos was declared the winner on points.

Koos proved to be the better fighter and left no room for his opponent to score any points, giving him the victory of 3-0 points.

Trainer Jeanette Dyzel says the boxers compete in development tournaments to gain experience.

“We are proud to have the three wins on points,” says Jeanette.

Referee Piet van Vuuren had to stop the fight between Sabelo Nzwanzwa from Geo Maroon Boxing Club in KwaThema and Morishi Mchete several times.

First there was a problem with Morishi’s mouthpiece, then it was his glove that needed to be replaced.

Sabelo won his fight on points with a 3-0 score.

Jeanette was impressed with the support they received during the tournament, despite the rain.

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