‘The Dominator’ fights back

Cedric Doyle (31) dominated against Gareth Buirski (29) at EFC46 on Saturday at Carnival City.

“On Friday when I saw Cedric, I could see he was calm and ready for the upcoming fight,” says trainer JP “Tinkerbell” Kruger.

“Cedric and Gareth are both pro athletes so this fight held the potential of being massive and it turned out to be a beautiful, amazing fight,” he adds.

“The Dominator” as Cedric is known, had beaten Matthew Buirski (27) previously and he now adds older brother Gareth to his list of victories.

“Tension was rising and both men were hungry for this fight, they were coming for a war,” says JP.

Round one was deemed difficult by both JP and Cedric as the fighters were still trying to suss each other out, but Cedric managed to win round one by landing “more significant strikes on Gareth,” says Cedric.

“There are no easy fights in the EFC and Gareth is a tough guy so I knew it was going to be a difficult fight,” adds Cedric.

In round two Gareth came back strongly and nearly won the fight when he was able to get a choke around Cedric’s neck.

“He almost finished me, I was nearing unconsciousness but I stayed calm and knew I could not tap out.

“I went to my corner and listened to my trainers,” says Cedric.

Gareth won round two.

“The Dominator” took no prisoners in round three, he was faster and more technical in the final round, picking Gareth apart, the low kicks eventually took their toll on the older Buirski brother.

“I just stuck to the plan made with my trainers and fought a technical fight,” says Cedric.

JP says, “it was incredible boxing and grappling which led to the unanimous decision in Cedric’s favour.”

Cedric, who lives in Secunda, says “training for the fight went well.

“I used my experience and training to gain control of the fight.

“It was a great fight, I am back to winning and making my way towards the title belt,” says the bantamweight fighter.

Cedric will be back in training in January and his next fight is scheduled for May at Carnival City, his opponent in not known as yet but Cedric says,” he will be another high-ranked winner”.

Cedric and JP thank all those who supported and assisted with the training of “The Dominator“.

“We thank God and feel blessed for the outcome of the fight,” says JP

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