Cyclists enjoy the ride

Eager and enthusiastic cyclists from Springs Wheelers braved the cold and windy weather on Saturday.

Most of them cycled all the way to Nigel, while others decided to shorten the trip by a few kilometers due to the rain.

For Henk Smith the ride from Springs to Delmas and then Nigel was most enjoyable.

His plan to cycle between 80km and 90km, was hampered by thunder and he had to settle for 62km.

However, he still enjoyed the trip.

Monique Bird says it was great but during the last 3km it started raining.

Though it is only his fourth ride Michael Watson still enjoyed it.

He cycled a good 28km which was worth every minute of it.

Although some of the cyclists braved dirt roads they say it was a bit wet from all the rain, but they missed the rain.

The club members go out every Saturday for a social ride.

They depart from Bike Scene in Selcourt at 7am.

Anyone interested in joining the club can contact Ray Roodt on 082 900 5185.

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