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First team’s grand win

The Springs Rugby Club's first team was victorious on Saturday when they played Orkney at the Springs Rugby Club.

Pierre Foord scored the first try in the first half for Springs and Johan Zondagh then completed the conversion, which put the score at 7-0.

With the opposing team attacking strong, they slipped through Springs’ defence and scored two tries.

The team fought back and Zondagh scored the second try for Springs and completed another conversion, the score standing evenly at 14-14.

At halftime, both teams were unable to put more points on the scoreboard.

Springs came in with force in the second half and within a few minutes Anton van Deventer managed to score the third try for Springs.

Zondagh made another successful kick, taking the score to 21-14.

The Orkney team improved their attack and managed to even the score, 21-21.

With time moving quickly toward the finish, Springs battled hard to get the upper hand again, and Kazlo Holtshauzen finally made the fourth try, bringing Springs into the lead again.

With the score standing at 26-21, Zondagh was unable to convert.

Wynand Venter put Springs further in the lead when he scored another try for Springs, with a completed conversion from Zondagh.

Springs was leading 33-21.

Orkney managed to score another try and conversion just before the whistle blew for the end of the game, putting the final score at 33-28 for Springs.

The crowd erupted with congratulatory shouts and the proud team made their way off the field.

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