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Canoeist takes on Crocodile River

Springsite Tommy Booth, a member of the Ekurhuleni Kayak Club based at Homestead Dam in Benoni, finished the Sasol Lowveld Croc Canoe Marathon in five hours and 24 minutes.

The exciting adrenalin rushing marathon took place two weeks ago from Kwena Dam, not too far from Waterval Boven, and flows towards Nelspruit.

To avoid disturbing migratory hippo in the lower regions where they make their home, the paddlers do the same 30km stretch of river twice.

Last year the farmers stocked up on lucern to attract the hippo’s and kept them fenced in, but the paddlers still discovered a couple in the pool on the lower stretch of river, hence the decision to remain above the more serious waterfalls, in the mountainous beautiful region.

Canoeists focused on their good river knowledge during the intense fast flowing downhill gradient boulder strewn rapids which required intense concentration and focus.

There are only three A+ grade official river races in South Africa and participants have to have a minimum of three A grade successful races qualification, to be able to do these races, which require compulsory wearing of helmets.

Tommy Booth was one of a number of members of the Kayak club to take on the daunting challenge and treacherous rapids, although many didn’t, he finished the race in 50th position.

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