Keep the date open

The Springs Girls’ High School Cycle Races, in association with Impala Platinum, have become an integral part of the enthusiastic cyclist’s sporting calendar over the last few years.

This year the mountain bike race will be held on August 24 and the road race on September 8.

These are the main fund-raising events of the year which assist the school in maintaining its academic, sporting and cultural excellence and supporting learners with subsidies.

This year the mountain bike race will start from Nigel Bottling and the road race from Nigel Dam.

Both challenges offer routes of varying distances for the different cyclists, from the more serious cyclist to those who are looking to have some healthy fun.

The events comply with all CGC rules and regulations.

Races are fully marshalled, paramedics are on duty and all finishers receive medals. There are prizes up for grabs as well.

For more information regarding the two events, contact the school on 011 818 5769/60 or e-mail Alternatively visit

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