
Please stop sending hoax messages

So before you pass on the next chain message you receive, check your facts. You may be doing more harm than good.

I hate fake news.

I work in the media and we have to double-check our facts before we publish.

So whenever we see something that seems a bit dodgy, we take all the necessary steps to verify that info and we tell the public if there’s any truth to that rumour or not.

But as most of you have discovered, fake news spreads faster than the truth.

During the coronavirus outbreak, I have grown to loathe fake news even more.

Let me tell you why.

Without fail, every day my grandmother or aunties have sent me some sort of message regarding Covid-19.

These messages range from the number of cases in South Africa, the cure, the cause of the outbreak, etc.


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Here are the top 10 that made me absolutely want to break my phone.

1. “Doors and windows should be closed from 5pm as there is going to be a helicopter going around spraying disinfectant everywhere.” We really should know better than that South Africa.

2. “Half an onion left in the corner of every house cures corona.” Whoever started this rumour should have a special seat reserved for them in hell. Do you know how hard it is to get rid of an onion smell in the house?

3. “Covid-19 can be cured by drinking a concoction of ginger, garlic and lemon.” Please spare us. This drink of Satan does nothing for corona.

4. “Regular tea has all the chemicals needed to cure Covid-19. The patients in Wuhan were cured by drinking three cups of tea a day.” No, no, no. Tea does nothing but raise your body temperature.

5. “Rub onion liquid on your hands as often as possible to ward off Covid-19.” All this will do is chase people away from you and have you smelling like uncooked onion.

6. “Don’t answer calls from the number +86 (10) 5890 8636 as its from China and it’s spreading the virus electronically.” Please don’t get me started on how stupid this is? The whole world would have it by now if that was the case.

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7. “People with African blood are immune to the coronavirus.” Ha ha ha, you wish. Anybody and everybody can get Covid-19. Don’t fool yourself, there’s nothing special about our blood.

8. “Bathing in Dettol, Savlon or anything similar will get rid of the virus.” Trust me, those things won’t do a thing against the coronavirus.

9. “Breathe in the steam from boiling garlic and lemon.” Try that and I assure you, the only thing you’ll accomplish is burning your face.

10. “Smoking kills the coronavirus, as the oil from the smoke coats the lungs at a nanometre level, preventing the coronavirus from striking the lung cells.” Um, no. All smoking does is increase your chances of getting lung cancer.

These messages are especially to those who are gullible and have no way of getting the right information by themselves or have limited resources.

So before you pass on the next chain message you receive, check your facts. You may be doing more harm than good. Remember, one person has already been arrested for spreading fake news during this outbreak.

Don’t be the next person.



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