
Why lower your standards when it comes to charity?

What are they supposed to do with your washing machine that no longer works or book that has missing pages?

A recent visit to a second hand charity shop revealed an ugly side of people that I hadn’t really paid that much attention to.

The shop was full of odd bits and bobs, books, dishes and clothes.

However, one thing stood out to me.

Nothing in this shop was worth buying.

It was mostly rubbish.

People had donated things that were clearly of no use to them anymore, and were treating the charity shop as their own personal dumping ground.


Why do people suddenly lower their standards when it comes to giving?

Why would you give somebody else something that you wouldn’t be happy to receive?

Why is that acceptable to you?

Don’t get me wrong, it’s good that you found it in your heart to be kind and giving, but what are you really doing?

Are you giving because you want to appease your conscience and say you donated or are you doing it because you genuinely want to help others?

How does it help someone living on the streets when you donate your holey jeans and shirt with no buttons on?

What are they supposed to do with your washing machine that no longer works or book that has missing pages?

Charity shops can’t afford to turn away your unwanted goods so probably won’t say anything other than thank you.

Your donations are essential to their survival.

From your donations, they can sell those goods and use the funds to help others who are in need.

Can you imagine how many more people they would be able to help if you were donating the good stuff?

You may not be aware that you donating your junk to charity shops might even be hurting their bottom line at the end of the day.

They may be forced to spend even more money getting rid of your junk than they do with the upkeep of the shops and other expenses that come along with it.

I can’t tell you how we can get people to stop thinking of charity shop as their personal dumping ground, but what I can say is that you should let the Bible lead on this one.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Memorise this phrase and let it lead you.

Charity shops are great and essential service and if used well, can lead to a lot of good.

For example;

1. You can do your bit for the environment and encourage re-use and recycling. No need for those nasty landfills.

2. They can provide job opportunities for people looking for work experience and a sense of purpose for those who have retired or unable to work full-time jobs.

3. They have a lot of hidden gems that may no longer be available in shops. You can have your own unique style or items.

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