
Citizens concerned about roaming cattle.

It is only a matter of time before a motorist or motor cyclist gets killed because of this.

A concerned citizen writes:

As a resident of the Springs/Nigel district for the past 67 years, I am appalled at the regular sight of cattle and goats roaming around between Tonk Meter N17 on/off-ramp, Coaton Avenue and recently on Nigel Road between Coaton Avenue and Bendigo Avenue (both sides of Nigel Road).

Surely there are municipal by-laws that prohibit this type of activity?

There have been accidents lately involving motor vehicles and these cattle!

One sees this regularly between Sharon Park, Dunnottar and Nigel too.

Who are the owners of these cattle?

Can someone please name them?

Why are they simply allowed to danger the lives of road users?

In many instances we have witnessed both cattle and goats roaming without any herder.

Surely the ‘buck stops’ with the owner?

Why has this been allowed to carry on this long?

Surely ownership of these animals is restricted in municipal areas unless there they are proper enclosed areas and permits?

Not having boundary fences is no excuse for municipal owned or privately owned land.

It is only a matter of time before a motorist or motor cyclist gets killed because of this.

Eds note: The metro and EMPD have not responded to this letter.

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