
Spread the love

Spread the love

I came across something funny/strange this week.

A man in India was bitten by a poisonous snake and he, in turn, bit his wife in the hope they would die together.

Of course, the lady lived and the man died. This got me thinking. Was this true love or the final act of a selfish man?

Maybe he was just too distraught by the thought of leaving his beloved wife behind and didn’t want to face the afterlife without her.

With this being the week of love for hopeless romantics around the world, it’s only appropriate to start thinking about how one would react if their loved one was facing a certain death.

Well for me, I’d want to die alone. But I would want for someone to witness my death so they can tell my family what happened and what my last words were.

There would be no Romeo and Juliet situation.

I was born alone and I’ll die alone.

But this incident just highlights how short life is. So with this in mind, take the time to let the people you love know that you adore them.

We don’t spread the love enough.

There is no such thing as telling a person too often that you love them. When you’re gone, that just might be one of the things they miss the most about you.

While I find the commercial side of Valentine’s Day a pain, I find the sentiment behind the day heartwarming.

It’s a day to express your feelings to someone special. It doesn’t have to be your partner or husband, it can be your siblings, parents or even your pets.

If you have a crush that you’ve been admiring from afar, this is your chance.

Shoot your shot.

If you don’t ask or speak up, you will never know if the other person feels the same way about you.

And hey, even if they don’t feel the same way about you, at least you know.

You won’t be left wondering how they feel about you. You drown your sorrows in the wine and chocolate you bought but was rejected.

All is not lost.

So here are some cheaper ideas on how you can spread the love this Valentine’s.

1. Send them a text, everyone has a cellphone these days.

2. If you want to be special, send them a handwritten letter. Just don’t send it via the post office because they might never get it.

3. If you’re asking out a potential mate, don’t tell them you love them on the first date, that’s creepy.

4. Make their favourite meal.

5. Set aside a day just to spend with them.

We lead such busy lives, we never have the time to just get together and relax.

6. If you’re good with your hands, fix something that’s broken.

7. Buy them a potted plant. This will be a gift that keeps blooming long after Valentine’s Day.

8. In this economy, a full tank of petrol is never a bad idea.

9. While we’re at it, some candles too.

10. Devote your day to someone less fortunate than you.

P. S. Happy Valentine’s Day you gorgeous people of Springs.

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