School holidays: Test of our sanity

The unavoidable dark cloud of school holidays is upon us.

The unavoidable dark cloud of school holidays is upon us.

I love children.

I really do, every single one of them.

I really think the world is a better place with children around.

They just bring out the best in us, most of the time.

But I also like reading in silence.

I like napping in silence as well.

And there is very little silence when the children are around.

School holidays remain one of the craziest times in most families.

Most of us know children belong in school during the day.

And we like to keep it that way.

Sometimes we even pay more to keep them there for longer, in aftercare.

But during the holidays they have to be home all day.

And the responsibility of what they get up to during that time rests on us.

A test of our sanity, daily!

Children have a beautiful sense of adventure that often leaves them injured.

Yup, medical emergency services record an increase in the injuries of minors every year.

But they don’t care that they might hurt themselves, which is why we have to remind them every five minutes.

Basically, we can’t leave them unattended.

Unfortunately, sports organisations also tend to shut down over this period.

That is one place where they can get hurt without annoying us.

So what shall we do?

We could take them to our parents.

But the demands for taking care of their children are becoming increasingly difficult to meet.

Which leaves me baffled, because aren’t grandparents created to enjoy looking after their grandchildren?

What is the point of being a grandparent then?

So, basically, we can’t afford that option, anymore…

We can sign them up to volunteer!

Yeah, there are enough charities that need help over the holidays.

And the children will learn great life lessons while doing good work.

Hopefully, they will come back home with the most gratitude for what they have.

Also, churches always need foot soldiers.

The children must go to church.

See if there are holiday programmes, sign them up to everything.

I am sure rehearsals for the story of Jesus’ birth are about to start.

That should occupy them right up until Christmas.

And when they are home, chores can keep them occupied.

There is always something to do around the house, get them to do it.

Video games will be our very last option.

As long as they play in silence, I guess it is okay.

And please remind them to bath, ever so often.

Happy holidays children!

Parents, stay strong.

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