Why are the trees being cut down?

“Tree Lover” EJ Bosman of Selection Park writes:

In Forrester Road, Selection Park, there are 14 tree stumps cut at ground level, with more in Stark Road and elsewhere.

Not one of these trees is being replaced, except by responsible caring residents.

The evergreen trees bearing bunches of nutlike seedpods are being attacked by masses of 2cm long pink beetles, laying eggs in cracks and holes in the bark, causing the bark to separate from the wood underneath in strips.

The tree begins to die.

These magnificent trees give character to this whole area.

In Johannesburg, a tiny Asian beetle is threatening 150 000 tees in the biggest man-made forest, visible from space.

I believe this same beetle is now attacking the same trees mentioned above.

Very tall flat-topped trees in the Selpark area are being taken down by residents during the last few years.

After such a tree is taken down, the hadedahs nesting on them fly about for days confused and distressed by the disappearance of their nesting places.

These trees can be successfully trimmed to let in light.

Trees are essential to the survival of the human being as they absorb pollution of air and help to delay climate change, bad droughts and overheating.

Help our trees.

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