
OPINION: All it takes is a little nudge

When it seems there is no hope left and you’ve hit rock bottom, one moment of what they call ‘soul searching’ can change it all.

This may seem a little corny, but the truth never rang clearer than this.

I recently heard a story of a drowning man at sea and compared a certain situation to it.

This man is floating in the middle of the ocean, with no land or salvation in sight.

He was kicking to stay afloat and could have spent weeks, even months, kicking and floating, with his head barely above the water.

He only kept his focus on staying afloat, nothing else, as the sole thought was on staying alive.

He didn’t go anywhere, remaining in this one spot.

After a few days of continued floating (he didn’t tire, but had waning strength), he realised if he does not start moving in any direction, he will drown.

He did not have enough strength to properly swim but realised if, with every kick he made to stay afloat, he pushes slightly to the side, he can move in a direction slightly.

Even if it was only a few inches every time.

His determination to reach the shore carried him and with one slow drift, he got closer and closer to his destination, until eventually, he reached it.

I compared this scenario because of its powerful message.

Do we not feel as if we’re drowning in everyday life?

Going to work and going home, tending to all the responsibilities at home and work, living from paycheck to paycheck.

When you work so hard, in both personal life and professional, to just float above the water, to stay alive from day to day, it’s all you focus on.

But those goals and dreams are the shores in the distance, and if you do not make a conscious effort to work your way toward it, however slow it may be, you will not reach it.

Every tiny step is at least a step.

At least you are moving somewhere and not just aimlessly drifting in this vast ocean that is life.

What is the point then?

What is the point of working tirelessly, just to go nowhere?

Make a decision and go on that holiday you’ve been wanting to go on your entire life.

If you’ve been thinking of packing up and moving, do it.

If you need to get another job, get it and stop being afraid of the unknown.

Make it happen.

Because if you don’t, no one else is going to.

You may make a mistake, which can then be corrected.

But you may make the best decision of your life.

You will never know this if you do not try.

Don’t regret not taking a chance, because you never know where it may lead.

Rather, if you make a mistake, learn from it.

At least that would allow you to make better decisions and learn from mistakes, so it won’t happen again.

You get stronger and more knowledgeable and that in itself is already a step forward.

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