
Stop littering, you’re driving me mad

Who is going to pick up after you?

I’m not one to pass judgement, but people who litter really deserve their own special place in hell.

Why do people feel comfortable littering?

Do you not have any personal pride or respect for public spaces?

Last week, while walking in the CBD, I observed no less than 10 people casually throwing their papers and sweet wrappers on the floor.

This all happened within 500 metres of a rubbish bin.

Is it really that hard to walk that short distance and use the rubbish bin?

At first I thought that having more rubbish bins was the answer but then I realised that even if they are there, people will ignore it and throw their rubbish where it is most convenient for them.

I once asked someone who was littering why they did it.

She said, “Oh, if I don’t litter, then the people who work for the municipality will not have anything to do.”

I could not believe what I was hearing.

To me, it is common sense that if the municipality didn’t waste time cleaning up our rubbish, there would be better things for them to do.

Never mind the fact that our tax money could be better spent on worthwhile projects.

Japan, one of the most heavily populated countries in the world, is renowned for its litter-free streets.

There is a no littering culture ingrained into the citizens.

People there would rather take their rubbish home than litter.

So if countries like Japan can do it, why can’t we?

Well, I don’t have answers but here are a few suggestions.

There need to be stricter laws against littering and illegal dumping.

The law needs to be harsher with people who litter.

It needs to become as taboo as drunk-driving.

We as a society need to ostracise those who litter.

If you see a litterbug in action, shame them.

The fact is if someone litters and it builds up in that area, it then spreads the message to other people that littering is acceptable.

I once followed a lady who had left her can and take-away pie wrapper on the park bench after she had used it.

I casually went up to her and said, “Excuse me, Ma’am. You left your rubbish behind.”

She was mortified and I hope she would think twice about doing something like that again.

We also need better waste management systems in this country.

Not only do we throw things away far too easily, we also do not recycle.

There are not enough recycling stations around.

The unfortunate fact is if you don’t make it easy for people to do something, they will not do it.

Not everyone has the means to travel to their nearest recycling station.

It doesn’t excuse their actions, but it does explain why it happens.

Littering makes us all look like dirty people.

It’s an environmental health problem to have all this litter flying around.

Cigarette butts, for example, are not only a fire hazard if not put out correctly but also contain harmful chemicals that contaminate the soil and water over time.

Litter also decreases the air quality of the area and facilitates the spread of bacteria and diseases.

What I’m trying to say is, please stop littering.

You are ruining our beautiful town with your filthy habit.

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