
Don’t become a victim

I’ve never really been a victim of a serious crime before, for which I am very thankful. However, that almost changed this weekend and I was very fortunate to escape unharmed with all belongings intact.

My other half and I went to do a little window shopping and started looking for something specific.

Knowing we wouldn’t find it at our usual money-spending spots, we broadened the search to a rather sketchy, but ‘decent-ish’ part of town where we knew we would find this item.

Well, any place that is not a mall or shopping centre is sketchy for me, so that doesn’t say much.

Anyway, my husband led the way as we walked on the pavement, dodging and weaving between other shoppers.

There I was, walking merrily with my handbag slung over my arm, the zip wide open and its contents accessible to anyone who wished to take a peek.

Pretty stupid, right?

I was oblivious to any possibility of danger and too busy concentrating on my partner’s back for fear of losing him in the crowd.

My husband gently pushed a man away who was getting too close for comfort and said “excuse me” as we walked past. This man’s reaction didn’t bother me until later, when I had time to think about it.

I didn’t notice two very odd and suspicious-looking blokes until a very kind owner of one of the shops informed us that the men had been following us around for a while.

I closed my handbag and checked if everything was still in place.

We decided it was time to leave.

The businessman cautioned us to be very careful before we left his shop and discreetly pointed out two men who were now casually hanging around outside the entrance of the shop.

My husband gave me his phone and wallet to put away as he was ticked off at this stage and getting ready to throw a few punches if the need arose.

I’m usually not fond of violent acts, but you would have heard no complaints from me in this situation, should he have been forced to act.

He told me to walk in front of him as we left the shop and that’s when I saw the same man who had walked too close to me earlier with another man.

I’ll just call them Punk One and Punk Two.

I don’t know if they realised at this stage that we were aware of them and their possible intentions, but the pretence was off and they zeroed in on us immediately.

I grasped my handbag more firmly, gripped my car keys like a dagger and started walking quicker, until I realised my husband was no longer behind me.

This is when I really started to panic and saw Punk One right behind him and Punk Two coming towards me.

Many people surrounded us and I believe many knew what was happening, but not one of them did anything.

They just scurried off.

My husband suddenly turned around and faced the man who was following him. He looked him dead in the eye.

He asked in a not-so-polite tone, “Can I help you?” and started moving towards Punk One.

Punk Two turned and quickly walked away.

I’d like to think it was the ferocious glare I sent his way, but I can’t take the credit because I was more terrified than anything else and think my expression held more panic than actual ferocity.

Anyway, Punk One backed down and after mumbling a few words, turned around and hightailed it out of there.

My husband is not a very large man, but he was a little intimidating and I think we can be grateful these men didn’t carry any weapons or they might not have been scared off as easily.

I’m not sure what would have happened, but I am glad I didn’t find out and really don’t ever want to.

I should’ve noticed immediately something was amiss after Punk Two’s reaction when my husband pushed him away a little.

I urge all of you to please be extra careful when you are out and about.

This happened so fast and had we not been warned by the shop owner, we may not have reacted in time.

Ladies, keep your handbags tight against your bodies – if it’s on your arm, they can still grab it off.

Be extra vigilant when walking anywhere. This doesn’t just happen in the streets – it can happen anywhere.

Never go shopping alone. Like, ever.

Always take someone with you, whether a friend or family member.

Preferably a nice strong man to fight your battles for you, like my husband did for me.

So brave.

Also, if you suspect something, do not hesitate to call out for mall security or anyone in the vicinity.

We do live in desperate times and you know what they say about that…

Have a wonderful holiday everyone and please keep safe.

I hope this will make at least a few more people aware and cautious.

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