
Thank you is not enough

Grandmother writes a thank you letter to a good Samaritan.

Stephanie van Vollenstee from Springs writes:

I would like to thank Miquel Jorge, owner of a Geduld supermarket, for his good heart and for the good deed he did for my grandson.

I have a three-month-old grandson who recently came to me unexpectedly with very little baby formula left.

This lasted the baby only until 3pm on November 23.

I am a working grandparent, but at this time of the month I do not have any money available, as I only get paid the first of every month.

My grandson fell asleep at 5pm on Thursday, luckily to only awake at 6am on Friday.

If he had woken up during the night, I do not know what I would have done, as all stores were closed.

I tried to feed him some black tea and soft, thin mealie meal, but this did not fill a belly that had been empty for 15 hours and especially not a three-month-old boy.

I took a chance to randomly phone Miquel. I am a customer at his store but have never met him in person. He did not hesitate to tell me to collect a tin of baby formula for my grandson.

He, in fact, did not hesitate to take my call, especially being so busy with Black Friday.

I thank him wholeheartedly. It is people like him who make me believe there are still good Samaritans out there.

I just cannot thank him enough.

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