
Tantrums, toddlers and grown men

I always knew it was true that women are a few years more emotionally advanced than men.

But after these past few weeks, I have never been more sure of this fact.

My own little disclaimer: no offence intended to men, I am merely speculating based on my experiences with a few of them and it is not my intent to generalise to all men by any means nor paint all men with the same brush… Phew.

I am pointing out facts and instances I have witnessed with my own eyes.

In my life, I have seen toddlers throw tantrums, I have seen children get upset over not getting what they want, and I have seen teenagers fly into a rage when they disagree with their parents.

But never have I witnessed a grown man throwing a tantrum over something completely silly.

Until very recently…

We spent the day with friends and as we were getting ready to go out, the woman’s husband’s favourite shirt was a little wrinkled.

To give you a little bit of background, she was on leave from work for a day or so and, instead of getting a domestic worker to clean the house, she decided she was up for a bit of spring cleaning.

He wasn’t too happy with this and said she should get someone for the day, but she said she wanted to enjoy her off day on her own without someone in her space and had no objection to cleaning the house herself.

He gave in and went to work and she sprang into action.

She washed the dishes, cleaned the entire house, changed the bedding, washed the old bedding, did all the laundry, hung it up, took it off when it was dry, folded it and put it away in the closet.

By the time he came home, not a thing was out of place and the house was minty fresh.

The following day (this is where we come in) we get to the wrinkled shirt.

She was busy feeding the dogs and tending to the other animals before they headed off when he asked her if his shirts were ironed.

She told him no, she didn’t get to the ironing and she’s not a major fan of ironing any way and suggested he iron his shirt quickly as she was busy.

He wasn’t doing anything at this point, just lying on the couch.

And off he flew into a deep rage, swearing and yelling about how he told her to get a domestic worker for the day, because “then all his clothes would have been ironed” and “now he has to do it himself” and “you can’t even do that” and on and on it went.

She felt utterly useless and very upset.

I was just standing there with my mouth hanging open gaping at this bizarre scene… probably consumed a fly or two.

And the first thing that entered my mind was: the ungrateful, rude, arrogant, selfish, spoiled brat!

As a fellow female tasked with the mundane duties of (and one who hates) cooking and cleaning, I can truly appreciate everything she did and the amount of work that went into it.

In my opinion, she also saved her husband a couple of hundred bucks as she felt they couldn’t afford a domestic worker on that specific day and could put the money to better use.

So, to round it up: he got a clean house, clean clothes, a clean bed, animals taken care of, food on the table and everything else, but he threw this awful tantrum because she asked him to iron a shirt.

I’ve seen a toddler banging his fist against his head when he didn’t get his way, and others screaming and crying when they didn’t get theirs, but oh my freaking soul, a grown damn man acting like a spoiled child.


Now I ask the men of Springs, is this due to women spoiling their partners or is this just the general behaviour of men?

Do you not appreciate what your other half goes through to make life as comfortable for you as possible?

We live in the 21st freaking century, people!

Women also have Monday to Friday jobs, yet they are just expected to clean and cook upon their return to the house.

A little help from a man goes a really long way.

To those who diligently help their wives, girlfriends or significant others, I truly thank you.

It is unfair to expect the woman to do everything in the house while the man reaps the rewards.

Even if you are the main breadwinner, if she is working, the woman also makes a contribution to the finances.

This obviously does not go for housewives.

If your husband works and takes care of you and your children (if applicable), then it is your unofficial job to keep the house clean and the husband fed, which goes with the title of housewife.

Nothing wrong with that.

But men, I beg you, if your wife works, respect it and do your bit to help out.

Yes, of course we still make the food and do the dishes, but your cooperation would be highly appreciated.

There are so many women who are on anti-depression tablets or ‘happy pills’ because they burn themselves out.

We only want to make you happy, but meet us halfway.

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