
Book Launch – The Imaginaeries of Faerie Glen

Ginny Stone, writer of the Dog's Blog in the Addie and Sibo Says in the African Reporter, writes:

A few weeks ago editor Samantha Keogh reviewed our new book The Imaginaeries of Faerie Glen in the Springs Advertiser.

This is a fairy story, a novella actually, written by myself and illustrated by my daughter Igz.

Sam read the eBook without the illustrations and she still thought it was not too shabby – you can read her review.

We are launching the real printed version of the book on Saturday in the Faerie Glen Nature Reserve – the very spot where the story is set.

We’ll be there between 2pm and 4pm and everybody is welcome to come and have some fun. There is no need to actually buy a book.

There will be a fairy walk, a hula hooping contest (not only for the kids either), giveaways, fairy cakes to munch on – what else would you expect to eat at the launch of a fairy story?

You might even spot some magical stripey beasts.

Luckily Pescom won’t bother us because it is daylight!

Of course, if you do want to buy a book you can certainly do so.

Everybody who pre-orders a book prior to the launch or buys one at the launch goes into the lucky draw to possibly win a delightful little fairy house all of their own. (See details below to pre-order.)

This house – Ribbets Ridge – was kindly donated by Fairy Wonderland Suppliers who also make a whole range of other gorgeous little fairy houses and things to put in your garden.

I recently heard that some people use fairy houses when their kids’ teeth fall out so the tooth fairy doesn’t have to grovel under pillows to exchange the teeth for money.

I guess even the tooth mouse might prefer collecting teeth from a house at the bottom of the garden too – less hassle!

The Faerie Glen Nature Reserve which is in January Masilela Dr in Faerie Glen, Pretoria is only just over an hour’s drive from Springs and really is a magical place to visit.

If you do decide to come, wear comfy shoes and a hat.

Due to the fact that this is a municipal nature reserve, the normal rates apply to enter:

• R11 for adults and childrens over the age of 13.

• R6 for school children aged seven to 12.

• R6 for pensioners.

• Free for pre-school children.

Books cost R100 however a portion of the proceeds is being donated to the Friends of Faerie Glen Nature Reserve because they really need money to repair the fence around the Glen which is rather rusty in places.

To pre-order your book, contact Ginny on whatsapp on 082 5649301 or email her at ginz.stone@gmail.com

If you want to know more about the Imaginaeries, head over to the webpage

They are worried that some of the animals might land up on the highway one day.

We’d love to see you there.

Please do note that whilst dogs are allowed in the nature reserve, you do have to have a special permit. Although it is easy to get, you do have to apply in advance.

More details can be found here: https://ffgnr.wordpress.com/about-fgnr/dog-permits/

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