Getting to know you

How well do you know traditions of other South African cultures and do you think it is important that we celebrate different cultures?

Natasha Werner: “I’m not well informed about other cultures and traditions but I believe culture is important in many ways whether it is giving respect or performing your day-to-day tasks. It makes a big impact on an individual.


Elsabe Muteb: “I don’t really know much about other cultures but I am slowly learning about them from the different people I come across daily. I think as individuals it’s important that we start celebrating each other’s cultures so that we can know more about ourselves as South Africans.”


Ellen Robert: “Through my type of work, I have learnt the different kinds of cultures and traditions by interacting with other people. It’s very important for people to be open-minded about other cultures because this allows them to understand and respect them too.”


Douglas de Swardt: “Culture enables us to be well informed about the different people we have in our community. It has improved tolerance and creates opportunities. that come together with others. Culture enhances the quality of life and overall well-being for both individuals and communities.”


Bill Grundling: “I have witnessed several occasions that brought me to wanting to know more about other traditions and cultures. Celebrating culture is also a way of reminding ourselves of where we come from; hence, I think that as South Africans we need to embrace each other’s cultures.
Bill Grundling: “I have witnessed several occasions that brought me to wanting to know more about other traditions and cultures. Celebrating culture is also a way of reminding ourselves of where we come from; hence, I think that as South Africans we need to embrace each other’s cultures.”


Rosemary Bothma: “Culture is a very strong aspect in people’s lives. It influences our views, values, humor, hopes, loyalties as well as our worries and fears. So when you are working with people and building relationships with them, it enables you to have some perspective and understanding of their cultures.”


Janudre Calitz: “I think culture is something that needs to be taught to us from early childhood so that we will be able to adapt to it easily because I feel having to learn now about other cultures is difficult judging from the things that have been happening to our country.”


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