A time to redirect our lives

According to the National Institue on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, underage drinking is a serious public health problem in our nation which poses an enormous health and safety risk to the youth.

The consequences of underage drinking show that drinking can affect everyone regardless of their age or drinking status.

It raises an eyebrow especially when I witness teenagers consume alcohol.

We have adults going through a lot of hardships because of alcohol. Surely we cannot have the same with our future leaders.

As parents, what are we teaching our children?

Even though in most cases, parents are not the ones responsible for their children drinking alcohol. Something can be done to scare these teens from ruining their lives.

The effects of alcohol abuse on teens can lead to serious consequences now and later in life, including health problems,

social problems, permanent damage and problems with alcoholism well into adulthood.

Sometimes our parents can do so much in order to put us in the right directions but the problem lands in our court.

I think the time has arrived that we take charge of our lives.

I mean, with the rate that the youth is going, who do you think will take us seriously?

We have so much to make up for because everywhere we go, everyone is complaining about the youth of today.

And it’s not just a light concern; it’s serious because we will end up being held accountable for even the slightest thing.

We have so much freedom in our hands that we end up not knowing what to do with it.

The rights that we have been granted should be used in a proper manner.

Maybe in doing something different, our lives will be influenced differently.

There’s really not much time left to make a change because one minute you are here and the next you end up hating every decision that you took yesterday.

The problems that the youth face today won’t be ended in one day. After all, Rome was not built in one day.

That’s where parents, teachers and mentors come in to help tackle the many problems faced by the youth of today.

Whether its alcohol or drug abuse, every action has its own consequences in the long run.

As the government reshuffles, why not give your life a reshuffling too?

You never know what flower will blossom after planting all those negative seeds that have been thrown at you.

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