
Finding a job in Ekurhuleni

V Wilfreds from Springs writes:

As an unemployed man and resident of Ekurhuleni, I would like to know if the municipal chief whip Councillor Jongizizwe Dlabathu in Ward 80, how the city’s employment procedures work.

Having attended a number of resident’s meetings convened by Dlabathu, concerning so-called ‘poverty alleviation projects’ including Clean City, public workers programme, I wish to know the following:

• Are ward councillors the personnel officers in their respective wards?

• Is the ‘draw-from-a-box’ or Fuduna system to employ members of the public in line with the labour relations act sanctioned procedures?

• Can small businesses feel safe to leave their curriculum vitae with the councillors?

• Are they labour agents and can the youth leave their curriculum vitae with them?

He indicates consistently he works with the ANC and Sanco to identify those in need of work.

So my final question: Is ANC membership a credential for job finding?

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