
It’s about the crime, not the man

Disgusted of Selection Park writes:

While looking at your Facebook page on Monday, I noticed people seem more interested in the arrest, and release, of one actor than in the rest of the people arrested with him for human trafficking put together.

Twelve of those arrested were let off on Monday without being charged but it seems people are only interested in why he was not charged.

There is no interest in the other 11 people who were arrested in the house in Third Street and why they have not been charged with any involvement in a crime.

I’d like to ask these people: “Is human trafficking worse for those being forced into the sex trade if the person abusing them is a TV personality?

“Are these people’s experiences more humiliating or painful if doled out by someone famous than if it were just your average Joe forcing them into servitude?”

I wonder why there is more interest in the actor than in the crime he was arrested for and cannot help but ask myself if anyone would care about the two human trafficking rings in Springs if there was no one famous involved.

Let’s concentrate on eradicating the crime in Springs rather than worrying about the fate of one actor.

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