Appearances often deceive

The other day I dropped my ID on the floor as I rushed out of my car into the office.

I was so late I didn’t realise I had misplaced it.

Then in came a car guard, who usually stands suspiciously outside our office parking area, to drop off the ID document which he had picked up outside.

I was so grateful to him and, honestly, shocked because I had judged his character based on his outward appearance (even though I greet him every morning).

A few days later, as I parked my car outside the office, he approached me and asked if he could wash my car.

My first thought was “no way”, but I answered him and told him he could wash it at the end of the month.

The end of the month arrived and I had forgotten about telling him that he could wash my car at the end of the month.

But, true to his word, he actually washed it.

My only concern was the fact that he hadn’t asked for my permission.

He waited outside patiently until I came out of the office at the end of the day.

To my surprise I found my car that was previously filthy on the outside now clean.

Instead of being upset at the fact I now had to pay him for a service that I didn’t agree to receiving I was happy and grateful.

I was grateful to him yet again for saving me from the embarrassment of driving around in a car that looked like a dirt bike on four wheels.

Never judge anyone based on their outward appearance, because the ones you judge are the very people who have your back when the time comes.

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