Mall management must be commended

As part of a town of strong ties and great positivity, Springs residents have the tenacity to stay positive in the eye of (almost) any storm and that, perhaps, is the town's greatest strength.

With great excitement, Springsites counted down the days to the opening of the new mall last Thursday, determined to be the first through the door.

When Incredible Connection was robbed in the early hours of last Wednesday, they took in the news, shrugged it off, and made sure security would be tight while planning their outfits for the opening.

They were coming to see their brand new mall whether dastardly criminals wanted them to or not.

And come they did – in their hundreds.

There was standing room only at the opening, which seemed to be attended by the entire town and a great celebration was set to begin when the unfortunate shooting took place.

Despite this, Springs residents have generally come out in support of the mall and its management.

In the wake of a most unfortunate start to its life, the management of the mall must be commended on the manner in which they handled Thursday’s event (see page 2).

As one of the hundreds of people in the mall, standing very close to the action when the first shot rand out, I can attest to the fact that management were superb in their handling of the situation.

Each person sprang calmly into action and together they ensured the safety and well-being of every shopper affected.

As if they had been working as a team for years, they formed a barrier between shoppers and the aftermath to ensure as little disruption and stress as possible, while attending to anyone who needed any attention – be it a plaster or a soothing word.

This amazing response to what must have been an extremely stressful event for the D’Arrigo family and their team has been lauded across the city with most people commending them.

While acknowledging that crime is an unfortunate reality in South Africa, people refused to be chased away from this new venture and the rejuvenation it promises to bring to Springs.

Once all the drama was over, it was business as usual at the mall with people staying to shop on Thursday, and returning over the weekend.

Our Facebook page was a testament to this with people commenting on their experiences:

Desiree Kennedy van Dam: “Thank you to the management of Springs Mall and the EMPD for their excellent response and for putting safety measures in place immediately. It was a nasty incident; however, seeing the community coming together and supporting one another and seeing the great response of all concerned makes me a proud South African. I was there during the incident and can only say well done to all concerned for their quick response and cannot fault them in any way. Beautiful mall!”

Melissa Du Preez: “If we avoided all areas that could possibly be a target for crime we would be locked in our houses; even at home we aren’t always safe. I am so proud of our mall, it is breathtaking and I won’t be forced to stay away. That family made their dream come true, and it’s so very beautiful. How can a town thank one family for this and still avoid it because of crime? The amount being spent on security is insane but it’s to protect us. Criminals will always try their luck, unfortunately, but I wish I had a chance to congratulate and thank the family for this beautiful mall we all have to enjoy. I love it and, no, I won’t be staying away.”

Jill Gover Buissinne: “This is the nicest mall ever. I’ve already been there three times. Lots of security and happy people. Everyone in the queues is chatting to each other. All so thankful for this mall. No matter where we go we have to be vigilant. Bad guys everywhere.”

Cathrine Elizabeth Barnard: “Much nicer than the Carnival Mall. Very classy.”

Louise Malloy: “Brilliant mall, thanks to the family for doing this for us. So grateful.”

Yvonne Strydom: “Ek was nou al twee keer daar, en glad nie onveilig gevoel nie. Baie veiliger as om by enige plek in Springs dorp te stop of te shop. Die Mall is pragtig, en daar is alles bymekaar wat ons nodig het. Dankie vir die D’Arrigo’ s vir ons awesome mall.”

Bafana Israel Soko: “Well done to our law enforcement officers!”

Gert Fourie: “This happens at any mall. I’m still going there as soon as I can. Looks beautiful. Great job Stefano D’Arrigo. You guys rock!”

Cebile Ntshangase Felicity: “What a lovely mall. We would have loved to see a movie house though. But thank you for making Springs a better place.”

Danette Mc Donald: “A dream come true. Had a quick look and I’m in love!”

This positivity has highlighted, for me, the resilience of Springsites and their determination to support all the opportunities brought to Springs, to ensure the further success of a town they love dearly.

It has made me proud to be part of this group of people who are determined to make the most of every opportunity they are given.

Well done Springs!

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