The rain won’t help if you don’t

It astounds me to see how many people can't be bothered by the water restrictions, set in place by our metro.

To those people I ask: “you do realise that we’re in the middle of a severe drought, right?”

Regardless of the recent, and desperately needed rainfall, the troubles are far from over.

It was reported that, after the latest rain, the Vaal Dam’s water level barely rose and that it’s still in a critical state.

Nevertheless, even before we were blessed with the heavens opening up, people couldn’t care less about their water consumption.

While animals are literally dying of thirst, you find it crucial to keep your patch of grass constantly watered – because someone dare not see it slightly brown.

I’ve seen sprinkler systems going throughout the night, I’ve seen people washing cars with the hosepipes lying on the pavement, water flowing out of it for minutes at a time until they’re ready to wash the car off.

Whoever you are, you are selfish.

I have various choice words I would rather use, but unfortunately my position in the community as well as my upbringing, wouldn’t allow that.

Whenever someone tries to say something, it falls on deaf ears or they get flipped off with a certain finger.

If this continues to hold up for much longer, there’ll come a time that you won’t have any more drinking water left.

Do you realise the implications thereof?

Let me state the facts:

At least 60% of an adult’s body is made up of water, every living cell in your body needs water to function.

A person can last for about three weeks without food, but without water – a critical life force – you’ll only be able to last about three days.

If our water sources dry up, the little water that’s left or stored away, will become so expensive that your average household won’t be able to afford it.

And when that’s gone, what then?

The rain that we are receiving or will receive in future, may not be enough to replenish the dams, let alone a country.

Farmers are losing cattle almost on a daily basis; lower income families have to walk miles to get a glass of water.

And here you are, comfortably watering your garden and swimming pools, because… you can?

The overuse of water amidst the drought has come to a point, that drastic measures such as water shedding have been implemented.

Yet, some people still feel the colour of their grass is worth more than a life.

Please, the rain won’t help if you continue to suck everything dry.

Give nature a chance to ‘regroup’.

Abide by the rules; they truly are there for a reason.

The rain won’t help if you don’t.

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