Fickle felines

Cats are odd creatures you know.

That grey cat that Em adopted still does not have a name.

Charl tried to call it something which they both agreed on.

Then Em discovered it was a Pokémon character and she vetoed it chop chop.

I thought it was very rude not to give it a name immediately until I witnessed a little test that mom carried out last week.

We were all sitting outside on the stoep.

Mom was stuffing newsletters into envelopes – making a horrific noise when she taped them up.

Kkkrrrssstttt went the tape. Kkkrssstkkrrsssstkrrrssstt.

I slunk under the table to try and get away from the racket.

Ralph was supervising.

He carefully checked that she packed the right amount of newsletters into each envelope.

Sometimes he was a tad eager and overstepped the mark – like sitting on the stuff that needed to get stuffed.

Eventually mom tipped him onto a spare piece of table at the side.

Grey Cat, who does not like to be left out – especially if it thinks there might be a suggestion of food anywhere around the place, was slumbering on the chair next to mom.

Ralph! Mom called. Raaalpppphie…

He was sitting right there but did not move a whisker.

Grey Cat… mom called again. Grrrrrreeeeeyyyy Cat! Nothing!

Did not even twitch so much as an eyebrow.

Fudges…. Mom said very softly.

I leapt up, wildly wagging my tail.

Slobbered on her foot.

Whaddya want oh momsie of mine?

Mom ruffled my ears and tossed my ball for me.

See Fudgie.

It’s true.

Dogs have family and respond to having their names called.

Cats have staff – they do the calling.

The two cats continued on their vigil of nothingness.

Must say though… nice thing about Grey Cat is that he gets his food in the garage.

On the floor.

Every now and then I saunter in and polish off his pellets.

Mom has words with me but I figure fair is fair.

Grey Cat nibbles in my bowl all the time.

Even tries to nibble when I’m in the process of scarfing down my dinner.

Eyes out Ralph’s bowl too sometimes – although that lives on the counter, otherwise it also gets demolished.

Grey Cat is not allowed on the counter. Probably a bit unfair but that’s how it is.

I’m a tad tired of being on diet now.

Read more about Fudgie wena:

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