
Behave in front of children

Parents using foul language in front of their children should be ashamed of themselves.

Anna Patat writes:

Some children from as little as five years old use swear words as if it is part of their language.

Is it because they are watching television programmes with their parents’ consent or maybe without?

When we visited friends recently, it was shocking to hear the children’s vocabulary, which consisted of the most disgusting swear word, f#@k, not to mention that this word pops up around the braai used by the very same children’s parents.

This is not a new phenomenon as I remember when my children were still in school more than 16 years ago, they reported the same behaviour.

In fact when my son, who now has a family and four-year-old son, reprimanded a Grade One boy for using disgusting words in front of my daughter, he was called in by the principal who received a complaint from the boy’s mother.

Needless to say, the mother knew my son and used the exact same words her Grade One son used as soon as they left the principal’s office.

Like mother like son.

My question is, where is this going to end and how will this boy, who is probably a young working man or student, learn to respect a woman?

Let me answer the question, I also experience young girls allowing their boyfriends to swear in front of them.

Children see, children do.

Just a question, what happened to self-respect, dignity, pride, the use of proper words and wanting what is best for our children?

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