Not always what it seems

You know, my life is not always as glorious as it may seem.

Sometimes that wretched mom and Alpha do dastardly things – like leaving me alone for a whole seven days.

Well okay… maybe not completely alone.

Em and Charl were here.

But Em works in her garage hovel all day making dolls that I am not allowed to chew.

If Charl isn’t at work, he’s in his hovel all day too. Hroofhroof!

I call their spots hovels because if you didn’t know any better you might think we’re housing vampires instead of humans.

Seriously! Don’t they need, like, sunlight, or fresh air or something?

And they borderline never make their baskie either but I digress.

So mom and Alpha left me alone with the vamp…er… children, which meant I had a lot of free time to think about how I would return the “favour” to them.

Unfortunately my deep pondering was harshly interrupted by the squawking of Ralph and some other furry feline.

Honestly… all week he’s been whinging and moaning outside this Jezebel’s gate like some love-struck kitten.

Oh… wait… he is some love-struck kitten.

Word on the complex’s electric fence is Ralph got dumped and has been trying to serenade her in the hope of reclaiming her affection, but it seems as though no one has the guts to enlighten him about his tone-deaf curse.

So I did the sisterly thing and barked him straight in the house to let him down gently.

Let’s furry face-it… I really do love Ralph.

However, I might be regretting my sisterly compassion now.

I mean it’s great and all, spending quality time with him, but there is such a thing as personal space – which he just doesn’t seem to get.

To be frank – he’s clingy.

In fact – he’s a downright clingy cat.

All day and all night he’s been on top of me.

Last night I even had to sleep next to my baskie because he totally hogged my spot.

Nor could I recline on my lounge pillow in front of the TV either, without him monopolising my personal bubble…

Moral of the story… love your siblings but don’t get involved in their love lives… or if you do, make sure you have a big enough baskie!

Pee. S. I weed on the carpet to get back at mom and Alpha!

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